Camlin Synthetic Gold Hair Flat Brushes (series 67) ( {{product_type}} X {{qty}} )



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Synthetic Gold Hair Brushes from Camlin are of international quality with seamless nickel plated ferrules and perfectly balanced wooden handles. Suitable for use with Camlin water colours and Camlin acrylic colours and hobby colours. Available in flat brushes.
Product No.                      Description                                                                               Size
2067771 to 2067776     Pack of 50 Synthetic gold hair flat brushes                        1 to 6
2067777 to 2067779     Pack of 30 Synthetic gold hair flat brushes                        7 to 9
2067780 to 2067782     Pack of 15 Synthetic gold hair flat brushes                        10 to 12
2067763                          Pack of 7 assorted Synthetic gold hair flat brushes   1,2,3,4,5,8,10& 12
2067767                          Pack of 4 assorted Synthetic gold hair flat brushes          1,2,4,6