Camlin White Bristle Brushes (series 56) ( {{product_type}} X {{qty}} )



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Traditionally termed as a hog hair, these brushes are made from imported white bristle and are most suited for oil painting. The long and short handles facilitate various usages in landscape, portraits, painting for softening effect. Also available are fan brushes which are ideal for finishing.
Product No. Description Size
Series 56 flat long handle
2056771 to 2056776 Pack of 10 long handle White Bristles flat brushes 1 to 6
2056777 to 2056779 Pack of 5 long handle White Bristle flat brushes 7 to 9
2056780 to 2056782 Pack of 3 long handle White Bristles flats brushes 10 to 12
2056501 Pack of 7 assorted long handle White Bristles flat brushes 1,2,4,6,8,10&12
2056787 Pack of 4 assorted long handle White Bristles flat brushes 1,2,4,6